Today is

As a kid I always wished, “Kaas ke har din koi nya din hota to celebrate”. Then I realized it may not be possible for everyone to celebrate every day with same enthusiasm.
But later I found out, it is possible in fact everyday is the new day for celebration. The only problem is many of us don’t even know what today is.. but don’t worry form now onward I will tell you… today is what?  And what are the major events that had happened in history

March 8th 2016, Happy International women day.

According to few people a women by voice is strong until she will use that voice against them. So tell me why this hypocrisy?  The search to find their voice for women is remarkably difficult in this world. So in my opinion once you get that voice don’t let other people snatch it away from you.  
Now you my reader you must be thinking why am I being a feminist all of sudden? Then you should know today is international women day and this day give me right to be a feminist and share my thoughts as a women.Read More

7th March 2016

Maha Shivratri is. a Hindu festival celebrated annually in reverence of the God Shiva. It is being told that this is the day lord Shiva was married to the Goddess Parvati. This festival is also popularly known as 'Shivaratri'  or 'Great Night of Shiva', marks the convergence of Shiva and Shakti Maha Shivratri is celebrated between the 13th night and the 14th day of the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna or Maagh. This year it is being celebrated on 7 March. Read More

March 6th, 2016

Mothering Sunday day 2016 It's Mother's Day today! (in the UK and Ireland). don’t get confused mothering Sunday is not mother’s day except for the UK and Ireland of course. Mothering Sunday is always held on the fourth Sunday of Lent.
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day I don’t remember if there was ever a day in my life when I did not wanted to eat cake and specially if the cake was choco cheese cakes. So go and eat White Chocolate Cheesecake. Because today is the day that give us permission for this.Read More

March 3rd 2016

March 3rd 2016, it sound ordinary does not it? So the actual question is what is so special about today? So don’t worry I am gonna tell you why today is so special? And why we should celebrate march 3rd 2016 and how? to read more Visit

Mar 2nd 
Do you know what today is? Other than today is 2nd march 2016. I don’t think so, that’s why I am here to tell you what today is world math’s day as well old stuff day, not just this but there are some more things you need to know for that you have to Visit.

Today is 235th birth anniversary of the person who invented this beautiful stethoscope device René Laënnec.

Do you know who invented stethoscope? And the story behind it’s invention ? if yes that’s good, but if you don’t then you are about to find out. Most importantly do you even know what is stethoscope? It is a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing, typically having a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes connected to earpiece. Stethoscope is the most recognizable of all pieces of medical equipment, and is identifiable by even the smallest children as being representative of a doctor

International language day- in the galaxy of languages every language is a star

“How many languages are there in the world? How about 5 billion! Each of us talks, listens, and thinks in his/her own special language that has been shaped by our culture, experiences, profession, personality, mores and attitudes.” – source unknown
There are so many languages in this world but  most beautiful thoughts comes in our mind in our mother language only… and today is the day that give us right to cherish this feeling. Cause today is international mother language day Read More

Social Justice Day- Go and Create a difference in the society

"With exclusion and inequality on the rise, we must step up efforts to ensure that all people, without discrimination, are able to access opportunities to improve their lives and those of others."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Do you know what today is? Today is social justice day, and the theme for 2016 justice day is “ A Just Transition - environmentally sustainable economies and societies Read more

Love is when you love somebody...the story of my life..
Finally the valentine day is here and yet I am not able to understand, what is love?
But I do remember something that last year I kissed a guy, I don’t know why I did that? Infect I don’t even know that how I did that. But I do remember the look on his face and I feel that my bold step was totally  worth it.

Happy Hug Day- let me cuddle in your arms

I was sitting in the dark,
When you come to me,
And cuddled me in your arms.

I was thinking I lost you,
But you came to me, And hugged  me,
When I needed you the most,

Promise Day- promises are meant to broken, do they?

We were too young, when we met.
But we promise, you promised.
We promise to be with each other,
For the rest of our life,
We never understand what we promise,
But we promise, you promised.

Happy teddy bear day-Please be my teddy bear

The valentine weak start from 7th February as rose day and it ends on 14th February that is valentine day.  Every day in this weak is special and is being celebrated worldwide. Today happens to be 'Teddy Day' in the Valentine calendar followed by chocolate day.

Happy Chocolate Day- All you need is love but a chocolate won't hurt.

Once upon a time a great person had said the first person who compare flowers or any other things with a girl’s beauty is indeed a poet and the second person who did it is a fool.
I never understand this line until today I saw the madness of youth to buy chocolates for their loved ones . I never get it why such madness just to give chocolate to your girl and then I realized they are not mad to buy chocolate…. They are madly in love with a beautiful person whom they wanna make feel special cause Love is like chocolate, sweet and bitter at the same time. So happy chocolate day to everyone.

Propose day-it is the best day to put forth your feelings in front of your loved one

Propose day is the best day to put forth your feelings in front of your loved one. The day itself will fill you with energy tongue emoticon boosts you in such a way that you can straight away propose the person you are deeply in love with. Propose day falls on 8th February in Valentine’s week. 

This rose day I felt the love of my lover... what do you felt?

Every year when February months start everyone in my surrounding got excited and I never knew why? What’s the big deal dude? This comes every year and you guys will act like a fool all over again… but this time only it was different my thoughts got changed, when a friend of mine come to me and said- “I knew, you don’t have any sort kind of romantic feeling towards me but trust me I do, I like you a lot and I can do anything to make you smile. You know why? Because your smile is literally the cutes thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Happy 67th republic day

Today we are celebrating 67th republic day, but do we even  know the meaning of this word, it says “Republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.”
Why do we celebrate republic day?

Happy tourism day- One Billion Tourists, One Billion Opportunities

This entire world is an open book, all you need to do is go and flip the pages of that book, in other words you need to go and see how beautiful our world is. If you would not travel and explore the world then you would read only one page of most interesting book of this planet.

LUCY- a vital missing piece in the puzzle of how humans came to be

Google Doodle on Tuesday celebrates the 41st anniversary of the discovery of ‘Lucy’. Google writes “To recognize the 41st anniversary of this historic moment, Kevin Laughlin has brought Lucy and her upright gait to life on our homepage”.
But the question is Who is lucy? this is the day lucy was born,.

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